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Consequently you've decided to spend hundreds or maybe even thousand of dollars by using an authentic designer bag! Yay, I applaud you! But always be forewarned... you should know exactly what you are buying before you buy it!! Please be certain to do all your groundwork before you bid on a handbag on auction web sites to ensure that you are really buying an authentic designer handbag!Sellers about eBay are REQUIRED to sell off only Authentic Designer handbags!!!!True, but unfortunately some vendors will not only sell phony or fake handbags, but they will also head to great lengths to try and trick you in thinking that you are bidding on a 100% traditional bag.Here are some tips that will help you stay safe:Check the precise location of the seller. In many, BUT NOT ALL cases retailers from Asia can sell fake handbags. This place has very unspecific intellectual property regulations and there are many, several factories manufacturing artificial handbags. China, Korea and Singapore ought to be avoided.Examine the photographs carefully. A seller's photographs may help an individual determine if the bag is authentic and in the promised problem.Check to see that the images are not stock photos. Stock photos will be pictures of the thing usually found in advertisements or on the manufacturer's website. They have a professional appearance and may produce an all-white background that will indicates they have been customized with the use of software. If they are stock photos, you do not have the ability to see the bags true condition.Is the handbag displayed via all angles? Front, back and sides? Inside of lining, labels, zip fasteners, stitching details, handles or straps, and the designer's stamp or perhaps brand name should all always be shown in the pictures.Contact the seller directly if you want additional images of the handbag, specifically if you need close-up views of the serial #, designer name, or stitching to help decide authenticity. A reputable seller will be happy to grant you, if they don't I would suggest running as soon as you can and don't appear back! Ask any and all questions before bidding!Review the seller's feedback ratings and comments. This helps determine whether the seller is trusted in the eBay area and if other purchasers have been satisfied with their very own purchases. Look especially for any existing negative feedback comments. Potential buyers that have purchased phony handbags or acquired goods in a diverse condition than what has been listed will keep negative feedback.In some instances, buyers may just leave neutral feedback when they bought a counterfeit handbag, but were reinstated their money. Be sure to study these carefully too.Review the seller's return policy! You need to determine if you can give back the handbag towards the seller or possibly be refunded if the product is not as identified or counterfeit.You might not want to purchase products from a seller who indicates that all product sales are final or even that returns usually are not accepted.Read retail store policies carefully too. Some seller's charge a re-stocking price when you return an item. If the seller's insurance plan indicates a restocking fee of 30% of the selling price, then you might only be refunded $280 for a $400 tote! That's a hefty income for a dishonest retailer!!Contact the handbag's manufacturer directly to confirm specific features. For instance , if a handbag appears appealing, but some specifics are questionable, such as the color, the manufacturer will be able to confirm if they ever before released a purse of that style.To discover the manufacturer's contact information, visit the website from the handbag's manufacturer or perhaps visit the manufacturer's store if one is available in your local area.Seek information!It is so important to do your research on what the ladies handbag you've chosen will need to look like. If you have a local boutique or mall that carries typically the handbag you want, you should be visiting it. Take along a guidelines... perhaps even print out the particular photos on the auction web sites listing to take to you.What color could be the handbag?Does it have the serial #?Wherever is the serial # located?Inspect the information and stitching.Should it come with a dust cover up?What does the lining appear to be and what is it crafted from?Does it come with genuineness cards?What does the components look like?If you are not capable to go to a store that sells your item try going online for the actual manufacturer's web page and make comparisons there.An Authentic Designer tote should ALWAYS have a particles cover, authenticity/care credit cards, and serial numbers. This stuff are also counterfeited therefore don't rely on them fully to verify that the handbag is 100% Authentic!!!!It is VERY important to check on the wrapping of the handbag in the photographs. Paper around the buckles, plastic over the holders, and square tag words of material hanging through the handbag are all tell-tale signs of a fake handbag. Brand new bags from the boutiques never have any wrapping in it UNLESS THE PURSE WAS A SPECIAL-ORDER. Have a very clear answer from your seller when it comes to the circumstances of purchasing the purse.If the seller tells you that they acquired the handbag from the Internet, question them which website. Sites usually leave the wrapping on the totes, however there are hardly any websites that sell off Authentic Designer bags from High-End Makers. eLuxury is the most well-liked one; also the websites of department stores (Neiman Marcus, Saks, Macy's, etc) will sell Real Designer handbags. Any time these websites do have gift wrapping on their items, typically the handles are covered in tissue documents or plastic and the buckles are covered with blue clear plastic adhesive. Also it square tags that will hang from the connectors of the handbag take fakes!!!!! You can also Yahoo any brand of Authentic Designer handbags and set the word replica, AAAAA or mirror graphic at the end of it and do a search. More than likely, a thing will come up. You may pull up brands of items which you would NEVER assume!!!!Lastly, watch out for vendors who sell numerous the SAME ITEM. This is different from sellers which sell a lot of the very same BRAND of items. Some sort of seller who is marketing 30 of the same ladies handbag in one brand is extremely suspicious, while a seller who is offering 25 different styles of the same brand is much more legitimate. Sellers who can be selling wholesale are selling fake custom made handbags!ALWAYS trust your gut reaction!!!! Find yourself a reputable retailer, yes there are many in eBay, ask lots and lots of questions...  This Is Cool  shy, an honest owner welcomes communication.